13 March 2021


2021年3月11日储能网新闻,瓦锡兰集团的储能技术和系统集成业务部门在菲律宾安装实施了一套大规模的海上飘浮电池储能系统,项目名为“floating power barge”(飘浮能源驳船)。该项目在菲律宾Davao de Oro省,Maco地区,配合Terma Marine公司(TMI)的100MW热电驳船,提供54MW/32MW储能容量。


项目于去年9月份启动,预期在今年第四季度交付。项目中会用到Wärtsilä公司近期发布的Gridsolv Max储能解决方案,通过GEMS 能源管理系统和控制软件平台进行能源管理。



Wärtsilä GridSolv Max标准化储能集装箱,内置了电池,安全系统,消防系统,电力分发系统和空调系统。Wärtsilä GridSolv Max container is a cost-effective energy storage solution. GridSolv Max significantly increases energy density and system reliability for meeting customer energy needs while also adequately future-proofing their hardware assets. This innovative architecture simplifies installation and integration across any energy storage application or deployment size.

The standardised GridSolv Max storage enclosure consists of one ISO 40' unit and includes2:

  • Batteries
  • Safety system
  • Fire Safety System
  • Power distribution
  • Air conditioning system

Wärtsilä GEMS 能源管理系统集成了电池电力优化,单体电池控制和电池组控制,远程监控,运维,诊断和安全可靠性服务等。Wärtsilä's sophisticated GEMS energy management system is a smart software platform that monitors, controls and optimises energy assets on both site and portfolio levels.

GEMS supports a wide variety of battery and power electronics to achieve optimal system performance. GEMS integrates and controls individual resources and entire fleets comprising energy storage, renewables and traditional thermal generation. Using machine learning and historic and real-time data analytics to optimise the asset mix, GEMS enables customers to remotely monitor, operate, identify and diagnose equipment with unrivaled safety, reliability, and flexibility3.


菲律宾国家能源部提出了NREP国家可再生能源计划,该项目目标在2030年实现 15GW可再生能源,其中地热增长75%,水电增长160%,同时实施2GW风电,和 284MW-1528MW光伏,从而达到50%-60%可再生能源利用比例。