03 April 2022

前不久上了个时间管理的课程。有个视频说到每个人的时间安排要符合自己的生理周期节律。并引用了美国作家 Daniel Pink 为证:

“We are smarter, faster, dimmer, slower, more creative, and less creative in some parts of the day than others.” – Daniel Pink


circadian rhythm

这就是所谓的 circadian rhythm,生理周期节律。



circadian 这个词的意思是 (of biological processes) recurring naturally on a twenty-four-hour cycle, even in the absence of light fluctuations. 人的生理过程在 24 小时周期中自然出现的规律,甚至与光照变化无关。


这个词一看就是拉丁语演变过来的。 circa 是拉丁语大概、近似的意思。

The story tells of a runaway slave girl in Louisiana, circa 1850(大概在 1985年).

经常在论文中看到的circa的缩写形式:c, c., ca, ca., cir., circ. 比如:

Melting point/range : ca. 63 ℃ 熔点/范围:约63℃


那么,circadian 的后面部分 -dian 是什么意思呢?应该也是拉丁语里的 dies 演变来。dies 是 day 的意思:

Dies Lunæ hodie est. 今天是星期一。Dies Lunæ 星期一,法语里是 lundi,还是挺接近的么。

Dies secundus huius mensis est. 今天是这个月的第二天。

我想到另外一个词也是由 dies 组成的 quotidian 日常、每日:Television has become part of our quotidian existence. 电视已成为我们日常生活的一部分。


所以,circadian 合在一起,字面意思就是“大概一天的”,也就是一日之周期。 circadian rhythm即一天之周期的节律。


心理邮报 2022-03-28:New research in mice suggests Alzheimer’s disease is linked to circadian rhythm.1 最新研究标明,小鼠的阿兹海默症与生理周期节律相关。

Newton Media Group 2022-04-02: Your circadian rhythm is your body’s own inbuilt sense of when to wake and when to sleep. Parts of your body perceive and respond to changes in light around you and move through cycles, with physical and behavioral changes occurring over a twenty-four-hour period.2 (from Time Management According To Your Unique Rhythms)

The human body follows a sleep and wake cycle called circadian rhythm. This 24-hour cycle regulates all our essential functions, including metabolism, alertness, body temperature and blood pressure.


  • circadian rhythm 生理周期节律
  • c, c., ca, ca., cir., circ., circa 大约
  • quotidian 每日的,日常的