27 February 2023
信息安全运营专家 Gerald Auger 写了本书,介绍怎么从事信息安全事业。因为搞信息安全工作的人,有时候不得不加班加点应对安全威胁,所以,他也提出了一些建议,比如以下这些建议:
How do we find the perfect zen and balance? The following are things to consider to avoid burnout (Auger et al. 2021):
- Take breaks away from your computer.
- Go outside (with no technology).
- Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
- Take a vacation if you can. It’s essential to enjoy the love of your labor, so celebrate with a trip, even if it’s a staycation in your home!
最后一条提到了要给自己放个假。哪怕是 staycation。我查了下,是这么说的:
a holiday spent in one’s home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions.
我觉得,转换到中国的语境,home country 太大了,home city 就差不多了。
最近,天气这么好,适合来一场说走就走的 staycation!