05 May 2023

最近韩国总统访问美国,跟美国总统合唱了一首《American Pie》,人民网记者写了篇评论文章《Seoul’s blind pro-U.S. diplomacy escalates regional tensions》, 指出与美国套近乎,并不能帮助韩国提升 国际竞争力,文章结尾写道:

“American Pie” only belongs to America; for others, it is nothing but pie in the sky. 美国馅饼只属于美国,对于其他人来说只不过是天上掉馅饼。

这句话写的挺妙的。American Pie 是一首歌,同时也是一种食物。而天上的馅饼则是一个英语俗语,意思是:something that you hope will happen but is very unlikely to happen. 也就是天上的馅饼、天上掉馅饼、空头支票。

比如:Their plans to set up their own business are just pie in the sky.

A pie in the sky is like a castle in the air. 而 A castle in the air is not built on firm ground. It’s just a dream. 也就是空中阁楼。

那么 pie in the sky 的来源是什么呢?其实个词也来源于一首歌,作者叫 Joe Hill,他出生在瑞典,1902 年的时候移民去美国工作。在那里,成了激进工人组织(Industrial Workers of the World)的头头,写了很多激进的歌。其中有一首叫《The Preacher and the Slave》,写于 1911 年,歌词内容如下:

From the day of your birth it’s bread and water here on earth.

To a child of life to a child of life.

But there’ll be pie in the sky by and by when I die and it’ll be alright it’ll be alright.

There’ll be pie in the sky by and by when I die and it’ll be alright it’ll be alright.


后来,拳王 Muhammad Ali 也引用过:You don’t want no pie in the sky when you die, you want something here on the ground while you’re still around. 你不会想要死后吃到派,你想活着的时候得到些东西。

后来,Joe Hill 被美国警察杀死了。