08 May 2023


Provided a Product Owner is making the promise that they intend to keep themselves (i.e., they have skin in the game), then they might issue some kind of forward plan.

这里, have skin in the game 的意思是“有切身利益”的意思。通常用于财务投资领域。这个说法最早是股神巴菲特提出的。有一次,股神建议企业的高级管理人员应该买一些自己公司的股票,从而使自己的个人利益与公司成败挂钩(have skin in the game)。

再举个例子:If you want someone to make efficient choices, they have to have a little skin in the game. 如果你希望某个人能高效决策,那么最好让 他参与其中,有切身利益。


Russia, and Wagner, unlike Europe, have skin in the Sudan game.
