16 May 2024

我们管夜空明亮的圆盘叫月亮,英语里叫 moon ,德语叫 der Mond,法语叫 la luna。奇怪的是,德语的月亮是阳性的,而法语的月亮是阴性的。一般来说,人们会觉得月亮是女生,而太阳是男生,比如罗马神话里,月神叫 Diana 狄安娜女神,而希腊神话叫 Artemis 阿尔忒弥斯女神。而罗马神话里太阳神叫 Apollo 阿波罗,希腊神话里叫 Phobos 福波斯,都是男神。所以,德语月亮是阳性的有点奇怪。不过,其实德语的阴性和阳性更多的是语法上的概念,所以并不是和实际东西的性别相符,且月亮实际上应该只能算中性的。

难怪,马克·吐温说 “In German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has.” 德语女孩子是中性的,而萝卜die Rü be 则是阴性的。

其实,星期一,Monday is the week day named after god of the moon. Since Tang dynasty, ancient Chinese also learned this from western country. In《宿曜历经·七曜直日历品第八》, it said “夫七曜者,所谓日月五星,下直人间。一日一易,七日周而复始。故今列诸国人呼七曜如后:日曜太阳,胡名蜜,波斯名曜森勿,天竺名阿儞底耶。月曜太阴,胡名莫,波斯名娄祸森勿,天竺名苏上摩”. So 月曜日means Monday, it is called莫 or Maq in Sogdiana language. Sogdiana is an ancient country called 索格狄亚那 or 康居国, now located in Uzbekistan(乌兹别克斯坦共和国). Maq 估计跟 Moon 是有些渊源的。

Originally, the names of week days are from Roman gods’ or goddesses’ names:

  • Monday, 星期一, Lunes, 月曜日, Lundi, 月神Luna, Montag,日耳曼月神 Mona, Luna, 月亮
  • Tuesday, 星期二, Martes, 火曜日, Mardi, Dienstag, 北欧神话中的战神 Tiw/Tyr, Marte, 火星
  • Wednesday, 星期三, Miércoles, mercredi, 日尔曼主神 Woden ,即大神奥丁( Odin ), 德语 Mittwoch 表示一周的中间,并没用上神的名字, 水曜日, Mercurio, 水星
  • Thursday, 星期四, Jueves, 木曜日, Jeudi, 日尔曼雷神索尔 Thor, Jupiter,木星
  • Friday, 星期五, Viernes, 金曜日, Vendredi, 英语「 Friday 」和德语「 Freitag 」则来自日尔曼神话中的大神奥丁的妻子、爱与美女神 Frigg, Venus, 金星
  • Saturday, 星期六, Sábado, 土曜日, 罗马主神朱庇特之父,农神 Saturn, 语Samedi,德语Samstag,源自希伯来语shabbat, Saturno,土星
  • Sunday, 星期日, Domingo, 日曜日, dimanche, 太阳神是主神 Domingo 是上帝, Sonntag

Month in German is Monat, and in French is mois.

The Grimm brothers analyzed the pronunciation of European languages and they found some rules:

  • l, m, n, s, c are exchangeable
  • oo, u are exchangeable

Then we can see, for “moon”, if we change m to l and oo to u, it becomes lun, when we add -e, it is “lune”, which is moon in French.

In English we have:

  • luna, God of moon, 月神露娜
  • lune, 半月形
  • lunette, 半月形,lunettes 眼镜
  • lunar, adjective, of the moon, 月亮的,月球的,lunar rock 月岩,a lunar eclipse 月食,lunar calendar 月历,阴历
  • lunaria, 月经
  • sublunary, 月下的;地上的;现世的. A marriage where not only esteem, but passion is kept awake, is, I am convinced, the most perfect state of sublunary happiness.

Moon may cause some mind problem, so:

  • lunatic, 精神失常的
  • lunatical
  • lunacy
  • moonhead
  • mooncalf

If we change n to m, we get lum-

  • luminous, 发光的,易懂的,清楚的. luminous clothing 夜光服. The library was lit by the luminous glow of laptops.
  • luminant, 发亮的,发光体
  • luminare, luminary, 发光体,引申为知识渊博的人
  • luminate, 发光
  • luminarism, 印象主义画派的光色主义
  • luminarist 光色主义画家
  • luminance, 亮度
  • lumination, 光照亮
  • luminescence, 冷光. A variety of lighting elements are used, from LED to chemical luminescence.
  • luminesce, (物质)发冷光. Solids that luminesce are called phosphors.
  • luculent透明的;明白的
  • translucent 半透明
  • lucubrate, (在灯下)刻苦钻研;苦思冥想;学究式地写作;详细论述


  • 光通量 (Luminous Flux):能够被人的视觉系统所感受到的那部分光辐射功率的大小,单位为 lm 。
  • 照度(luminance):表面上一点的光照度是入射在包含该点的面元上的光通量 d φ除以该面元面积 dA 。
  • 光照强度( illumination )是指单位面积上所接受可见光的能量,简称照度,光学中一般用 E 表示,是用于表示光照的强弱和物体表面积被照明程度的量,单位为勒克斯( Lux 或1x)

Extended from concrete light to abstract light, we get light in the mind:

  • illumine, 启发
  • illumination, 照亮,阐明,启发
  • allumette is the French word for “ matchstick ” as allume means to “light up”.
  • illustrate 阐明,插画
  • illustrator 插画家
  • illusion, 幻影,幻觉
  • illusive, illusory, 幻觉的,错觉的,骗人的


  • delusion, 欺骗
  • delusive, 欺瞒的
  • allusion, 映射,暗示,典故. Her novels are packed with literary allusions. 她的小说充满了文学典故。
  • allusive, 影射的,暗指的;间接提到的;引用典故的. Her music is witty, ironic, and allusive. 她的音乐作品诙谐、讽刺,富含典故。


  • over the moon, 欣喜若狂,月亮之上,乐疯了. I am over the moon right now . He is planning on coming in 4 weeks and said he would stay for as long as I let him.
  • Reach for the moon, if you miss, you will land among the stars. 把目标放在到达月亮,如果达不到目标,你至少还会登上星星。
  • once in a blue moon. 难得;罕见;千载难逢. How can you let such a golden opportunity to make big money slip through your fingers? It was an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon. 这样一个发大财的机会千载难逢,你怎么能眼睁睁地让它溜掉呢。

There are many more words have relationship with moon!