15 August 2024

在 Hellriegel 的组织行为学中(Organizational Behavior 2005)列举了一个案例,说美国安然公司( Enron )营造一种只顾追求利益的企业文化,最终导致腐败破产。

Enron recruited a band of cocky, inexperienced MBAs and left them alone to do whatever it took to structure a deal, regardless of the consequences.

他们雇佣一些没经验的 MBA 应届生,这些人很 cocky,不择手段达成交易。

显然,cocky 是以物拟人的用法。cock 公鸡、雄鸡,自然是昂首阔步趾高气扬的骄傲样子。所以 cocky 的意思是狂妄自负、趾高气扬。

比如 He remained cocky and arrogant despite it being clear he was to blame. (Cambridge Dictionary 2024)


Cambridge Dictionary. 2024. Cambridge University Press & Assessment.
Organizational Behavior. 2005. South-Western College Pub.