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02 May 2021


在查阅如何 smart note taking 的时候,看到:

By taking smart notes, we collect en passant the material for our future writings in one place.

在整理资料时,机智地记笔记,还能 顺带着 能为未来的写作,积累素材。

这个 en passant 其实是法语中正路过的意思,直译为英文 in passing. 因为来自法语,就成了一个特别的熟语:顺便的,顺带的,吃路兵之意。

在国际象棋中,the en passant rule is a move that allows a pawn that has moved two squares to be captured as though it had only moved one.1 吃过路兵是对士兵开局能跳两格的一个修正机制。

He mentioned en passant that he was going away. 他顺便提了他正准备走。