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17 March 2022

昨天看《Mastering Emacs》的时候,看到这句话:

The first thing a beginner sees is Emacs’s penchant for creating windows: when you view a help file, when you compile a file, or when you open a shell.

初学者觉得使用 Emacs 首先会 特别倾向于 创建窗口:当你查看帮助文件的时候,当你编译文件的时候,或者当你打开一个 shell 命令行的时候。

这里,我看到一个新的单词, penchant 。查了字典发现这个词是从法语里来的,难怪读音也是法语味:[ˈpɒ̃ʃɒ̃]

在法语里它的动词形式是 pencher ,倚靠、倾斜之意。比如:

  • L’enfant s’est penché pour faire ses lacets. 小朋友倚靠着系鞋带。
  • L’arbre penche légèrement à cause du vent. 风吹起,树儿轻微的倾斜。

其实, penchantpencher 的名词化,引进到英语里,也是以名词形式使用。再比如:

  • He would go to higher places because of his rare humility and penchant for peace.
  • Bappi, who was known as the ’Disco King’ among the masses, had a penchant for wearing gold jewellery and trademark black glasses.
  • Bullying is rife: So is schools’ penchant for dismissing it as harmless even when it is not.