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09 January 2023

C++ 核心指南目录

C.152: Never assign a pointer to an array of derived class objects to a pointer to its base




struct B { int x; };
struct D : B { int y; };

void use(B* b) { cout << b[0].x << " " << b[1].x << " " << b[2].x;};

int main()
    D a[] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}};
    cout << a[0].x << " " << a[0].y << endl;
    B* p = a;     // bad: a decays to &a[0] which is converted to a B*
    p[1].x = 7;   // overwrite a[0].y
    cout << a[0].x << " " << a[0].y << endl;
    use(a);       // bad: a decays to &a[0] which is converted to a B*
1 2
1 7
1 7 3

上面运行结果,第二行a[0].y被前一行语句给覆盖成了 7use 函数打印出a[0]xy ,以及a[1]x


  • 标记所有派生类数组指针赋值给基类指针的情况
  • span 而非指针的方式传递数组,装入 span 的时候不要进行派生类到基类转换