28 February 2023


Technological advances have been the impetus for dramatic increases in industrial productivity since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution in the 16th century. (FCG 2016)

16 世纪的技术演进成为工业生产力大幅提升的动力。

这里我们看到有一个拉丁语单词 impetus 。这个词是由 in + petere 组成的。 in 是朝向,petere 是攻击。合起来是朝着某处攻击。于是就引伸为动力、动量、冲力。

比如,健身专家 Amaresh Ojha (Ojha and Moitra 2021) 在提到培养健身习惯的时候,说一个不清晰的健身目标本身是无法提供改变现状的动力。要一点一点的进步: Once you make the decision to launch your fitness habit, … an ambiguous goal does not, in and of itself, give you the impetus you need to change your status quo. “Small progress everyday manifests bigger results in the long run.” 这里他也用到了之前介绍的 Status Quo

再比如,Matthew T. Lawder 等 (Lawder et al. 2014) 提到液流电池在储能领域的发展,说这种电池在储能圈子获得了推动力:However, one battery system that has gained impetus within the storage community recently has been the RFB that uses exterior electrolyte pumped through the typical cathode–separator–anode system.

市场消费者心理专家 Elizabeth C. Hirschman (Hirschman and Holbrook 1982) 在一篇关于享乐主义消费的论文中提到美观的产品能给消费者提供动力去发掘相关产品,用到这个词:

This emphasis on esthetic products is constructive for several reasons. First, it provides an impetus for exploring several classes of products that have been largely ignored in traditional consumer research.


FCG. 2016. “Digital Transformation in the Age of IIoT.” FieldComm Group.
Hirschman, Elizabeth C., and Morris B. Holbrook. 1982. “Hedonic Consumption: Emerging Concepts, Methods and Propositions.” Journal of Marketing.
Lawder, Matthew T., Bharatkumar Suthar, Paul W. C. Northrop, Sumitava De, C. Michael Hoff, Olivia Leitermann, Mariesa L. Crow, Shriram Santhanagopalan, and Venkat R. Subramanian. 2014. “Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and Battery Management System (BMS) for Grid-Scale Applications.” Proceedings of the IEEE 102 (6): 1014–30. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2014.2317451.
Ojha, Amaresh, and Subhra Moitra. 2021. Fitness Habits: Breaking the Barriers to Fitness. Srishti Publishers.