08 July 2024

其实,用的很普遍,只是刚好在看 Banks 等人的论文(Banks, Kisiel, and Korsholm 2021)时候遇到了,所以就摘录过来:

A countermeasure for DoS attacks is to authenticate messages, this ensures the Prover does not process invalid attestation requests. However, a local adversary may eavesdrop on the communication and use a replay attacks to circumvent this countermeasure. The common countermeasure against replay attacks is the inclusion of nonces which is also prevalent in the domain of remote attestation.

eavesdrop 的意思就是窃听、偷听。在通信网络中,如果有人在窃听通信消息,就可以把消息保存下来,等到下次对方发验证请求过来的时候,通过消息重播回复,假冒是通信对方。这种攻击称为 replay attack.

最早, eavesdropper 这个词,表示在屋檐下偷听的人。而 eavesdrop 指的是屋檐下水滴落到的那个地方,往往是一个小坑。为什么呢,因为水滴石穿呀。

一般, eavesdrop 都是和 on 组合起来用的,后面跟偷听的内容。比如

we are eavesdropping on her telephone conversation. 我们正偷听她的电话通话。

德语里,隔墙偷听为 an der Tür lauschen

法语里,隔墙偷听则是é couter à la porte


Banks, Alexander Sprogø, Marek Kisiel, and Philip Korsholm. 2021. “Remote Attestation: A Literature Review.”