17 July 2024

信息安全的三个最主要的要求是机密、完整、可用,即 confidentiality, integrity and availability.

integrity 的意思是诚实、正直、完整。源自拉丁语 integer 的名词形式为 integritas 完整性。而拉丁语 integer 完整的,现在 integer 的意思是整数,也有整体的意思。。

integrity 的读音为[ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti]重音在第二音节。integral 完整的、整体的、也是积分的意思。其读音为[ˈɪntɪɡrəl]重音又在第一音节了。

No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity (正直).

Keen to preserve his artistic integrity (艺德), he refused several lucrative Hollywood offers.

另外,integrate 是个动词,重音也在第一个音节。它的意思是成为一个整体。

integrate 可以作为及物动词用:The policy is to integrate children with special needs into ordinary schools.


These programs will integrate with your existing software.

They didn’t integrate with the other children.

integration 则是成为一个整体的动作结果:His music is an integration of tradition and new technology. 他的音乐是传统和现代技术的融合/综合。

数学上,integral 是积分,而积分法又叫 integration。