05 May 2014

When the cursor is at the buffer end of ibuffer, it will wrap back to the beginning of the buffer list if I continue pressing n to next buffer. But in dired, this does not happen. The cursor will stay at the end of the file list, if I continue pressing n to navigate to next buffer.

Here is the trick to wind the cursor up to the first item of the file list. I redefine the function dired-next-line and dired-previous-line:

(defun dired-next-line (arg)
  "Move down lines then position at filename.
Optional prefix ARG says how many lines to move; default is one line."
  (interactive "p")
  (forward-line arg)
  (if (eobp)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (forward-line 2))) ;; skip two lines: file path and summary

(defun dired-previous-line (arg)
  "Move up lines then position at filename.
Optional prefix ARG says how many lines to move; default is one line."
  (interactive "p")
  (if (= 3 (line-number-at-pos)) ;; line num of first item
        (goto-char (point-max))
        (forward-line -1)) ;; skip the last empty line
    (forward-line (- arg)))