08 July 2016


前些日子读新闻的时候遇到一个单词 provisional(临时的)。当时忘记记录新闻内容,这会儿想不起来在那篇新闻里看到了。不管怎么样,学一学吧。

1 Provisional

Pronunciation: prəˈvɪʒ(ə)n(ə)l

  1. Arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later, such as 'a provisional government' 'provisional bookings'
  2. A small piece of printed paper stuck on an item to be mailed, indicating that postage has been paid.


  • provisional government 临时政府
  • provisional charter 临时执照
  • provisional treaty 临时条约

第二个解释是作名词用:临时邮票。wikipedia 有解释:

The issuance of provisional stamps might be occasioned by a change in name or government, by occupation of foreign territory, by a change in postal rates, by a change of currency, or by the need to provide stamps that are in short supply.


2 Derivation / 衍

  • provisionally 临时地
  • provisionality 暂时性。Hugo saw everything he wrote as an experiment, and was, more than any other great poet of his century, aware of the provisionality of every position, every thought, every work of art. Some is provisionality, some is long-standing. 有的是暂时性,有的长期存在。

3 Example / 例


  • The provisional calendar for the 2017 FIM Motocross World Championship is announced complete with some awesome new venues such as Pangkal Pinang, Indonesia and Baldasserona, San Marino. 1 这句话来自 dirtrider 泥泞越野网站上的新闻。大概说 2017 年的世界越野摩托车锦标赛临时日程安排已经公布。FIM 是 Fédération Internationale de Motocyclismefr 国际摩托车赛车协会2的缩写,很明显,这是源自法国的一个协会。
  • For the last 8 months, the two adults and the three children live in a provisional “shelter” made of carton boxes they have places in a corner of an abandoned and half-constructed building.3 这句话摘自一个忧伤的新闻。希腊帕特雷一家五口人,父母和三个孩子,在过去的八个月里,住在一个纸盒子做的“帐篷”里。

4 Multilanguage / 异

这个词在法语里是 provisoirefr, 读若“普霍唯刷赫”,在德语里变成 provisorischde 读若”普霍唯造黑兮“。我一直觉得,英法德就好比是我们的台湾,温州和杭州话的差异罢了。

我居然找到了一个叫 provisorisch.com 的网站,专门介绍啥是 provisorisch:

Das Adjektiv “provisorisch” leitet sich ab von dem aus dem Lateinischen stammenden Substantiv “Provisorium”. Unter einem Provisorium versteht man einen temporär begrenzten, behelfsmäßigen Umstand als Übergangslösung.4

