25 June 2022



Often, such manuals are not available directly in-situ but rather located centrally with an external servicing service. To date, this problem has been solved by virtue of an expert in a central external servicing service supplying information which is required for servicing or maintenance to the servicing personnel in-situ by telephone. This communication path between the expert and the servicing personnel in-situ can result in time delays on account of interrupted information channels or even misunderstandings through the wrong questions being asked or the wrong responses being given.

考虑到,最近我很入迷拉丁语。所以很快发现这个词 in situ。这个词的意思是某人某物在某事当时发生的现场不曾动过。这样,上面那段专利描述就清楚了。

such manuals are not available directly in-situ but rather located centrally 这些手册并不直接在事发现场,而是在中心图书馆。

this problem has been solved by virtue of an expert in a central external servicing service supplying information which is required for servicing or maintenance to the servicing personnel in-situ by telephone. 这个问题的解决办法是外部服务专家及时给现场人员提供电话支持。

This communication path between the expert and the servicing personnel in-situ can result in time delays 专家和现场服务人员的通讯质量可能有时延。


Shareholders are likely to want a new chief executive in situ sooner rather than later. 股东更想要一个新的 CEO 尽快就职。

The archaeologists were able to date the vase because it was found in situ. 考古学家可以很快鉴定花瓶的年份,因为这个花瓶就在其历史地层发现的。

另外,好像 in situ 在外科医学方面用的比较多,大概是某个器官组织在其本来应该在的位置没有动的意思。

嗯,学几个新单词并不是咱们看专利的主要动机。主要目的还是为了学会专利的八股文写法,多提交几个专利申请罢了。看了员工手册,成功国际专利申请,是可以领到一笔不小的奖金的。所以,我定了一个小小的目标:一年提交 3 个专利。今年的 3 idea 已经有了,剩下的,就是快快写出来交作业。