02 July 2022

前几天热衷于拉丁语的时候,学到了 carpe diem,抓住今天,及时行乐。这次学的词和 carpe diem 很相关:hedonism 享乐主义、快乐主义。


Hedonism, one of the first motivation theories, assumes that people are motivated to satisfy mainly their own needs (seek pleasure, avoid pain).


Hedonism is a school of thought that argues that the pursuit of pleasure and intrinsic goods are the primary or most important goals of human life.

享乐主义的词根 Hedone 其实是古希腊的欢愉女神的名字“赫多涅”(Ἡδονή, Hêdonê)。赫多涅是爱神厄洛斯(Eros)与灵魂女神普绪喀(Psyche)之女。她代表快乐、愉悦和享受。在罗马被叫做沃路普塔斯(Voluptas),有时候也叫沃路皮亚(Volupia)。

所以呢,延伸开来,hedonic 享乐的, hedonist 享乐主义者,hedonistic 享乐主义者的。

Hedonic consumption is consumption of products by individuals for experiencing happiness after satisfying basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. 享乐式消费,是指除了满足基本的衣食住行需求之外,还要追求幸福感的消费方式。

You seem to paint a lot of the students as shallow, narcissistic hedonists. 你似乎把很多学生画成肤浅、自恋的享乐主义者。

For Epicurus, a hedonistic life is one free from bodily and mental pains. 对与伊比鸠鲁(古希腊杰出唯物主义和无神论者)来说,享乐主义者的生活就是远离身体和精神的痛苦。

Hedone 女神到了罗马,成了 Volupas 女神,似乎就变的更世俗了。所以, voluptuous 形容性感撩人、体态丰腴,也指松软舒适的东西。

The show’s creative team put her in costumes that emphasized her voluptuousness. 节目创意组给她穿的服装凸显了她的体态丰腴。

I sank into the bed’s voluptuous warmth. 我躺在温暖松软的床上。

She swayed her hips voluptuously. 她摇摆着性感的臀部。


  • Hedone 赫多涅,古希腊的欢愉女神
  • hedonism 享乐主义
  • hedonic 享乐的
  • hedonist 享乐主义者
  • hedonistic 享乐主义者的
  • Voluptas 沃路普塔斯,古罗马的欢愉女神,也叫 Volupia
  • voluptuous 体态性感的
  • voluptuousness 丰腴的体态
  • carpe diem 及时行乐