08 August 2024

最近给我可爱的同事们做了一期信息安全开发生命周期( SDLC )课程。从培训后的反馈来看,不少同事还是有所收获的。

在看相关标准文档的时候,我读到了 commensurate 这个单词:

Application of the [security development lifecycle] framework is intended to provide confidence that the component, product or system has security commensurate with its expected level of risk throughout the product’s life-cycle. (International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) 2009)

这里是说 SDLC 的应用是为了使得最终开发出来的产品和系统的安全与其整个产品生命周期中的信息安全风险相称。

commensurate 这个单词的意思就是“相称的”。

如果我们把它拆开来看,就是 com- 和 mensurate。而 com 在拉丁语里有 with 的意思。mensurate 则来自 mensurare 的过去分词 mensuratus 。mensurare就是现在英语的 measure 测量计量。因此,with measure 就可以理解为测量相当的。


Ensure vendors enforce supply chain security requirements commensurate with those used by the organization acquiring the vendor’s products and services. (CISA 2021)



CISA. 2021. “Defending against Software Supply Chain Attacks.” Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.
International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC). 2009. “Industrial Communication Networks – Network and System Security – Part 4-1: Secure Product Development Lifecycle Requirements.”