10 August 2024

最近涉猎了不少信息安全相关的文章,在隐私计算方面,Wang Zhigao 等人 (Wang et al. 2024) 提出了一种利用区块链进行设备鉴权的匿名算法:

We design an anonymous authentication algorithm that achieves an efficient trade-off between the computational overhead and storage overhead of smart devices. In particular, the smart device can update pseudonyms by itself without sending pseudonym update requests to the domain authorization center and pre-storing massive pseudonyms.

Pseudonym certificate-based authentication can guarantee device anonymity and is lightweight, so it is often used to authenticate devices with limited computing power.


这里,他们用了 pseudonym 假名、笔名。这种 ps 开头的词,很多都是从希腊语来的。比如 psychology 。pseudo源自希腊语 pseudes 假的,onym 则来自 onuma 也就是 name,合起来就是假的名字。

pseudonymous 即形容词:用假名的。比如 his books are pseudonymous. the pseudonymous author of this mystery.

那么 homonym 的意思呢?这个词是指那些发音一样、拼写一样但是意思不一样的词语。我们学习 diversity 的时候,遇到过 homosexual。

前面看到的 anonymous 中,因为 an 是没有的意思,所以 anonymous 就是匿名的意思了。


Wang, Fengqun, Jie Cui, Qingyang Zhang, Debiao He, and Hong Zhong. 2024. “Blockchain-Based Secure Cross-Domain Data Sharing for Edge-Assisted Industrial Internet of Things.” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 19: 3892–3905. doi:10.1109/TIFS.2024.3372806.