11 July 2024

Don Hellriegel 等人(Organizational Behavior 2005)的组织行为学一书中介绍了 David McClelland 的成就激励模型,提到成就高的人通常不会选择极难的目标,也不会选择极易的目标,而是选择难度适合自己的目标。这就是孙子所说的知己知彼百战不殆。

High achievers avoid selecting extremely difficult goals. They prefer moderate goals that are neither so easy that attaining them provides no satisfaction nor so difficult that attaining them is more a matter of luck than ability. They gauge what is possible and then select as difficult a goal as they think they can attain.

这里用到 attain ,意思是实现、达到。它源自拉丁语 attingere ,ad-/at-前缀表示 at ,to; tangere 表示触及。触及到,就是达到了。

Don Hellriegel 还写道:

Employees should think about setting realistic goals and the ways that they can attain them.




Organizational Behavior. 2005. South-Western College Pub.