23 July 2024

最近由于开发项目的测试需要,要去采购一批涡轮监控保护设备。于是就看看相应的手册(ABB 2011)。以下一段介绍了该产品的涡轮转自压力的计算和监控功能。

The rotor stress application calculates and monitors the turbine rotor stress levels to initiate speed or load limiting actions, as needed. The key features are:

  • Calculation of throttle and reheat steam temperature window
  • Computing of rotor temperature and evaluation of the rotor stress (HP and IP)
  • Evaluation of the allowable stress based on the different max. cycle times
  • Evaluation of the max. allowable speed and load gradients during the transients
  • Calculation of rotor thermal life expenditure (monthly, yearly and total)


其中,有个单词 throttle 它和 throat 喉咙长得有点像。

事实上,这个词就是从 throat 演变来的。throttle 做动词用的话,意思是掐喉咙、使……窒息。

Sometimes he annoys me so much that I could throttle him. (Cambridge Dictionary 2024) 他有时候真讨厌,我都想掐死他。

那么,也 throttle 可以引申为扼杀。The reduction in funds is throttling the development of new programmes. 经费消减将扼杀新项目。

而引文中则是用作名词,节流阀或者进气阀。也可以是汽车的油门踏板,因为它是用来控制油门进气的速度的。take one’s foot off the throttle (Oxford Dictionary 2024) 就是松开油门。

He twisted the throttle control to max power. 他把节气门的开关拧到最大。


He lived his life at full throttle. 他过着激情四射的生活。(Collins Dictionary 2024)

从 throat 到 throttle 的转变,添加了 -le 后缀。这个 -le 其实叫作 utensil suffix 器物后缀。即把某个名词器物化。比如 hand 手,handle 手柄。


ABB. 2011. “Symphony plus S+ Turbine.” ABB.
Cambridge Dictionary. 2024. Cambridge University Press & Assessment.
Collins Dictionary. 2024. Collins.
Oxford Dictionary. 2024. Oxford University.