25 July 2024


Plan accordingly for protracted commercial, transport, and logistics disruptions in areas in the storm’s path, especially if vital infrastructure is damaged.

显然,这个 protract 是由 pro- 和 tract 组成的。tract 我们之前在单词本: intractable 中学到过。它源自拉丁语 trahere 也就是 draw 拖拉的意思。前缀 pro- 有 forward 向前和 out 出来的意思。这里应该类似 prolong 延长。也就是拖拉延长,即拖延。

其实 portray 描绘这个词跟 protract 都是源自拉丁语 protrahere ,但是意思就差别很大。


Harris is armed with a readymade general election campaign she now inherits from her former running mate, a powerful war chest, and party allies eager to avoid protracting an intraparty battle that already took down the candidacy of a sitting president. 民主党们在极力避免被拖延的党内斗争?也就是说美国民主党内内斗蓄势待发?