02 August 2016

昨晚花了三個小時從杭州來到了上海。虹橋火車站下車之後坐 2 號線地鐵。各個車門前早已排起了長隊,提着行李的,拎着包的,揹着包的,還有抱着棉被枕頭的;滿頭大汗的,汗流浹背的,神色慌張的,急急忙忙的,鬼鬼祟祟的,東張西望的。



地鐵搶座(grab the seat)也是很有趣的一道風景。座位資源有限,拼的就是速度。大家都講規則,等車時按前後順序車門兩側排好隊伍。腿快有,腿慢無,實在是很公平的競爭。搶到座的,掏出手機看看小說,讀讀新聞,聊聊微信,不亦樂乎;搶不到座的,調整好站姿,也能掏出手機,沉浸在信息知識的海洋裏,忘卻剛才汲汲營營的追逐。


而旁邊這位姑娘就不怎麼幸運,被擠在了人羣中間,看似她業務很忙,左手一個 iPhone 6 plus,右手一個華爲榮耀,兩隻手同時開工,突然地鐵一陣剎車,她被甩到了一位手臂紋着骷髏紋身,正在坐在座位上用手機閱讀小說的男子懷中。他不曾想到佔個座位還能有美女投懷送抱的福利。

搶座這個動作,在英語裏是 grab the/a seat:

  • Overall, it is safe to travel in Shanghai. But you should take good care of your belongings if you are in a highly crowded place as there might be cutpurses. Theft is highly likely to occur while people rush for arriving bus or sub ways, hoping to grab a seat.1
  • It’s happened to Hannah Horvath on Girls, and maybe it’s even happened to you. You grab a seat on the New York subway, let your eyes flutter shut, and when you open them again, you’re in Coney Island.2

1 Grab


  1. to seize suddenly, eagerly, or roughly; snatch. 突然抓取
  2. to take illegal possession of; seize forcibly or unscrupulously 霸佔,搶奪: to grab land. 霸佔土地。
  3. a sudden, eager grasp or snatch. 猛抓的動作。
  4. seizure or acquisition by violent or unscrupulous means. 搶奪的動作。
  5. something that is grabbed. 被抓住的東西。
  6. a mechanical device for gripping objects. 抓取設備。
  7. to obtain and consume quickly 猛吃: Let's grab a sandwich. 讓我們快速解決這個三明治。
  8. to cause a reaction in; affect 引入注意: How does my idea grab you? 你對我的想法感興趣不?

1.1 突然抓取

  • He grabbed the pen from me.
  • The woman with him to grab a seat, he did not.
  • A man then got out and grabbed a white turkey and drove off southbound on S.R. 3. 3 昨天的新聞,美國的有人在馬路上抓了只火雞就跑了。

1.2 霸佔,搶奪

  • Fans line up outside store to grab Harry Potter book
  • Anurag Pathak, a 27-year-old Harry Potter fan, cancelled his office trip to Nainital to be able to grab the book. She had reached the Hazratganj shop at 10am, two hours before the sale of 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' had to begin.
  • Not only children, but adults too, made sure to steer clear of other plans on the weekend and visit the bookstore to grab their copy.4 不止小朋友,大人們也跑去書店搶買哈利波特新書《哈利波波特和被詛咒的孩子》。
  • Turkey, US meet after power grab attempt.5 前一篇文章《單詞本:德語單詞 Putsch》提到過政變可以稱 Putsch attempt,也可以叫 coup d'état,這則新聞有出來個說法:power grab attempt。能把所學的知識連貫起來是一件很好玩的事情。不是嗎?

1.3 猛抓的動作

  • Fan reaches way over the rail for sweet grab6

1.4 猛吃,快速吃掉

  • Let me just grab some French bread for dinner and we can check out. 我去弄些法國麪包當晚餐,然後我們就離開。
  • I think I'll just run downstairs and grab a cup of coffee.

1.5 引人注意

  • How does that grab you? 你對此感興趣不?
  • How does my idea grab you?

1.6 grab-and-go


  • Raw vegetables and fruits are great grab-and-go snacks. 蔬菜和水果是很好的拿着就吃的點心。
  • Lately I have been making a raw kale salad, which not only uses up some of the greens I get, but also makes a great grab-and-go lunch.7