09 February 2019

1 需求分析

我希望不论在哪一台电脑上打开 Emacs,都能按比例设定窗口在桌面的尺寸,比如说上下左右各占 10%,窗口长宽各占显示器的 80%。

2 实现方案


在 Emacs 中, default-frame-alist 就是用来做设置显示参数的。其中 top, left, height, width 分别用来这是 Emacs 窗口与显示器上边缘像素距离,左边缘像素距离,窗口高度字符数,宽度字符数。请注意这里的区别: topleft 分别是用像素值表示,而 heightwidth 是用字符数表示的。

要设置前面提到的四个参数,首先是获取显示器的长宽像素值,在 elisp 中,函数 x-display-pixel-heightx-display-pixel-width 可以用来获取显示器长宽的像素值,函数文档如下:

(x-display-pixel-height &optional FRAME)

Return the height in pixels of DISPLAY. The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about. DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string). If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame’s display.

On "multi-monitor" setups this refers to the pixel height for all physical monitors associated with DISPLAY. To get information for each physical monitor, use ‘display-monitor-attributes-list’.

(x-display-pixel-width &optional FRAME)

Return the width in pixels of DISPLAY. The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about. DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string). If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame’s display.

On "multi-monitor" setups this refers to the pixel width for all physical monitors associated with DISPLAY. To get information for each physical monitor, use ‘display-monitor-attributes-list’.

有了这两个函数,就可以计算 topleft 了,按照我的需求,分别除以 10,得到 10% 的数值:

(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist
             (cons 'top  (/ (x-display-pixel-height) 10)))
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist
             (cons 'left (/ (x-display-pixel-width) 10)))

在计算 heightwidth 的时候,需要另外两个数值,分别是一个字符的高和宽,对应的函数是 frame-char-heightframe-char-width

(frame-char-height &optional FRAME)

Height in pixels of a line in the font in frame FRAME. If FRAME is omitted or nil, the selected frame is used. For a terminal frame, the value is always 1.

(frame-char-width &optional FRAME)

Width in pixels of characters in the font in frame FRAME. If FRAME is omitted or nil, the selected frame is used. On a graphical screen, the width is the standard width of the default font. For a terminal screen, the value is always 1.

这样, heightwidth 也就方便的计算出来了:

(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist
             (cons 'height (/ (* 4 (x-display-pixel-height))
                              (* 5 (frame-char-height)))))
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist
             (cons 'width (/ (* 4 (x-display-pixel-width))
                             (* 5 (frame-char-width)))))

注意,这里除法放在最后一步做,目的是为了保证计算过程中的数值都是整数,结果也是整数。因为 default-frame-alist 的参数要求是整数。

还有一个约束条件是, x-display-pixel-heightx-display-pixel-width 这两个函数正如其前缀所示,只有在窗口环境才存在,所以不能在非窗口环境下设置这些参数,完整的配置如下:

(set-default-font "Inconsolata-14")

(if (not (eq window-system nil))
      ;; top, left ... must be integer
      (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist
                   (cons 'top  (/ (x-display-pixel-height) 10)))
      (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist
                   (cons 'left (/ (x-display-pixel-width) 10)))
      (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist
                   (cons 'height (/ (* 4 (x-display-pixel-height))
                                    (* 5 (frame-char-height)))))
      (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist
                   (cons 'width (/ (* 4 (x-display-pixel-width))
                                   (* 5 (frame-char-width)))))))

另外,我在设置 default-frame-alist 之前,设置了默认字体的原因是, frame-char-heightframe-char-width 是会根据字体大小变动的,如果没有设置字体,就会用默认字体的尺寸,这样计算出来的字符数值 heightwidth 会因为后续字体设置而变动,窗口就不是我期望的比例了。

3 总结

有了以上这段配置设置,无论在小尺寸笔记本,还是台式电脑;无论在 Windows,还是 iMac, Emacs 的起始窗口比例都是长宽 80% 居中了。希望对大家有所帮助。