06 March 2017

1 与主题无关的一些琐事


我写这些可不是什么 showboat,而是真的开心,能够拥有一间明亮整洁清静的书房。在这里,我写写文字都觉得很享受。

2 Showboat

至于什么是 showboat,那么待我慢慢解释:

一开始 showboat 指的是美国漂流在密西西比河和俄亥俄河上面,为河边居民提供戏剧演出用的船只。1


The Showboat Branson Belle on Table Rock Lake, Branson, Missouri

后来,不知什么时候,因为 showboat 具有华丽的装饰,于是成了作秀、炫技的意思。通常更多用在体育运动员身上。比如篮球运动员投篮之前展示一系列优美的过人动作,然后才去投篮,就是一种 showboat 行为。

Based on the supposedly gaudy look of showboats, the term "showboat" also came to mean someone who wants his or her ostentatious behavior to be seen at all costs. This term is particularly applied in sports, where a showboat (or sometimes "showboater") will do something flashy before (or even instead of) actually achieving his or her goal.2


  • That skateboarder was showboating to impress that girl when he broke his ankle. 滑板南海向女生秀技术,结果弄破了膝盖。
  • The professor has a tendency to showboat beafore his classes. 这位教授喜欢向学生卖弄学问.
  • He's not a real basketball player, he's more of a showboat with all the tattoos and fancy cars. 他不是个真正的篮球选手。他不过是个爱炫耀自己的刺青和好车的人。